'Check out more Bowflex workouts here: https://goo.gl/jkjFMm This quick stretching routine for your hips and legs is super easy to follow and will increase your flexibility. These stretches are perfect to do to counteract both the negative effects of sitting for extended periods of time, as well as the muscle-tightening effects of exercise. You will stretch three muscle groups: The hip flexors, hamstrings and calves, in both legs for 30 seconds each, spending 90 seconds total on each leg. Do this stretching routine after you have done your workout routine, or have warmed up the muscles with some light cardio for a couple minutes. This warm up routine is perfect for doing this: https://youtu.be/ptk4tesxhv0 Subscribe for more workouts and tips: http://goo.gl/sxLYmP More quick workouts: http://goo.gl/mj1b0C Additional fitness tips: http://goo.gl/vFWbTL http://www.Bowflex.com - Find all the fitness solutions you\'ll ever need to get on your way to being a healthier you. http://www.BowflexInsider.com - Head to the Bowflex Insider blog to read the latest in all things related to fitness and health and find simple ways to start losing weight.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Health , stretch , work out , fitness tips , legs , stretching , tom holland , bowflex , exercise videos , hips , fitness videos , stretching routine , stretching exercises for beginners , Hip Stretches , leg stretches , stretches for flexibility , hip stretch , leg stretch , lower body stretches , leg stretches for flexibility , hip stretches for pain , hips and legs
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